Joe Rogan

Publication/Ebook Design


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the artist

I had to create a big coffee table book cover about Joe Rogan along with some spreads and an ebook version. The goal was to reflect the artists personality and his impact on society in a creative and intuitive way in order to initiate further engagement from the reader.

Joe Rogue image spread
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THe figure of controversy

Being the controversial figure that he is, I figured the best way to represent Joe Rogan and his work would be through the idea of censorship. The half jacket of the book is in a matte black colour and reveals only the forehead of the artist, a striking reference to the censorship bar commonly used on television and other medias.

The jacket also involves a pun with Joe’s last name, switching it from “Rogan” to “Rogue”, a label that many people have laid upon him due to his power, unpredictability and unpopular opinions on important matters.

Joe Rogue text spread
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The final product is very bold and direct, just like Joe. The concept is intriguing to the viewer and strikes a good balance between the crazy and serious side of the artist. The contrast between the matte jacket and glossy cover serve the concept quite well.

Joe Rogue book cover with jacket
Joe Rogue book cover no jacket